Change the background color of the section labels in the Spiritual and Michael Hyatt templates

Check out this video tutorial that shows how to change the section labels background color in the 'Spiritual' & ;Michael Hyatt' template, that is available in the Spiffy template selector. This is a simple changed to the Advanced Custom Style code in your order form template. You will need to adjust the primary color hex code in the Custom Style, and publish the change to save the change on your template


Select either the 'Michael Hyatt' or 'Spiritual' template when creating a new order form, or select an order form that you have already created that uses one of these two templates.

Open the '<>' Advanced Custom Style Sheet, located in the bottom left of the order form builder

Edit the 'title-bg-color' hex code to the desired color hex code (eg: #ff9000). You should see your change instantly in the builder after typing in your new color hex code.

Click 'Publish' to save your changes

If you have any questions, please contact us at and we can help!

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