Infusionsoft's PayPal Update, PayPal Credit Button, Debit or Credit Button

Infusionsoft recently released an update to their PayPal integration. You may have been prompted to reconnect your PayPal, and then noticed that things looked a little different on your order forms.

If you notice that your PayPal button is gone, and that there happens to be radio buttons near your Credit Card field.this means you will just want to republish your forms in Spiffy

We recently rolled out an update to accommodate Infusionsoft's changes to PayPal, but it does require a quick republish on your existing Spiffy forms.

Once you have republished, You should see Infusionsoft's new PayPal options down where the PayPal button has been in the past (Below the Complete Checkout button)

Hide Black Debit or Credit Card Button

Additionally, if you are seeing the black Debit or Credit Card button on your form and we recommend hiding that button, that Infusionsoft now displays, we have a small code snippet (below) that you can use to hide the black debit or credit card button, or hide the PayPal CREDIT button if you wish.

Just install this snippet in your Infusionsoft order form and it will hide the 2nd PayPal button loading on the order form, whether it's the blue PayPal CREDIT button, or the black Debit or Credit Card button.

Copy/Paste the code below into your Custom HTML Footer section of your Infusionsoft order form:

#spiffyPayPalButtons .paypal-buttons { max-height: 50px !important; }

Once this is installed in your order form's 'Custom HTML Footer' area, only the main PayPal button will display on your order form.

Please let us know if you have any questions at

Always here to help.

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