Terms and Conditions Overview
Spiffy gives you the ability to quickly get a required Terms and Conditions checkbox on your order forms.
This best-practice helps you to be transparent with your customers, giving them the option to review your terms, and requiring them to agree before placing their order. This can help reduce refunds and charge-backs.
Spiffy provides a few options for this, ranging from a simple toggle option in the Spiffy Builder, to some HTML Snippet based options to provide some additional functionality.
You will still set your 'Terms URL' in the Spiffy Builder for our HTML Snippet solutions.
In this article, we will share a quick overview of the different options you have available for Terms and Conditions, and share links to the Spiffy Snippet Library for our advanced HTML Snippet solutions.
Quickest Option : Enable 'Terms and Conditions from within your Spiffy Builder.
- Just navigate to the Spiffy Builder for a form that you want to enable 'Terms and Conditions' on.
- Input your 'Terms URL' to the terms page of your website.
- Enable the 'T&C Checkbox' toggle to display the required Terms and Conditions checkbox on the form.
- Just Publish to save your changes!
Advanced HTML Snippet Options
As we mentioned, we offer a few additional options to include some additional functionality to your Terms and Conditions. We provide some HTML code snippets that can be modified and placed in your Infusionsoft Order Form's 'Custom HTML Footer' area.
These additional options enable additional functionality, like, the ability to customize the checkbox text, store a timestamp of the terms being accepted in a hidden 'Custom Order Field' as well as the option to include a scroll-box containing your terms, right above the checkbox.
Our HTML Snippet to store a timestamp in a hidden 'Custom Order Field' will be the only exception, as it will work with both the Spiffy Builder option, or one of our other HTML Snippet options.
You will still set your 'Terms URL' in the Spiffy Builder for our HTML Snippet solutions.
Below is a brief overview of the different options we have available, as well as links to the Spiffy Snippet Library to grab the snippets needed for your Infusionsoft Order Form's 'Custom HTML Footer' area!
Required Terms and Conditions Checkbox with CUSTOM text
By default, our 'Terms and Conditions' checkbox reads "I Agree to the Terms and Conditions" with 'Terms and Conditions' hyperlinked to your Terms URL. This message can be modified using the following code snippet:
Spiffy Snippet Library: Terms & Conditions Checkbox - Custom Text
If you already have 'Terms and Conditions' enabled in your Spiffy Builder settings, be sure to disable it, if you are using this snippet
The HTML Snippet linked above will add a terms and conditions checkbox to your order form, where you can customize the text that is displayed on the order form above the checkout button. This is a required text box that must be checked before someone can complete their purchase.
Place the code below in the "Custom Footer" section of your Infusionsoft Order Form. This dynamically pulls in the terms URL that you set within your Spiffy order form settings. Copy paste your terms and conditions URL into your Spiffy order form settings (gear icon) Terms URL field.
Storing a Time-Stamp in a Hidden 'Custom Order Field'
By default, our 'Terms and Conditions' options won't store any sort of data, but by simply creating a 'Custom Order Field' in Infusionsoft, and installing one of our HTML Snippets in your Infusionsoft order form's 'Custom HTML Footer' area, you can start recording a timestamp, right in your customers' order records!
Spiffy Snippet Library: Terms & Conditions w/ Time-Stamp in hidden 'Custom Order Field'
Please review the linked Snippet's notes to get started.
The Snippet linked above will add a time stamp to a hidden custom field when the user checks the terms and conditions checkbox on the order form. To use this snippet you will have to create a custom field and edit name value of the custom field in the first line of code.
Terms & Conditions Checkbox with Scroll-Box for Terms
Spiffy gives you the ability to include a scroll-box containing your terms, along with the required 'Terms & Conditions' checkbox.
While it is recommended to still hyperlink to your 'Terms' page on your website, this option can provide a quick, convenient way for your customer to review your terms.
Spiffy Snippet Library: Terms & Conditions w/ Scroll-Box for Terms
The Snippet linked above will add a terms and conditions checkbox with a scrolling text box, that people must check prior to completing their order. You will have to edit the code below to add your own terms and conditions content to the scrolling text box in this snippet.
Place the code below in the "Custom Footer" section of your Infusionsoft Order Form. This will also dynamically pull in the terms URL you set within the Spiffy builder of each order form.
If you have any questions surrounding any of these options, don't hesitate to ask. Just send us a note at Support@GoSpiffy.com
We're always here to help!